There are so many new products on the cannabis market and some of those products may be found appealing to young children or even pets such as edibles, beverages, and topicals. 

    We encourage all cannabis users to take extra precautions and use additional measures to safeguard cannabis products from children and pets.

    For more information about cannabis packaging and steps the government has made to keep cannabis out of the hands of children, check it out here.

    How to keep your children and pets safe

    New cannabis formats, such as edibles, can look like treats to a child or pet, as they may come in the form of cookies, brownies, and soft chews. Cannabis-infused beverages and topical cannabis products like lotions can be easily mistaken for the regular variety. 

    Consume in Private
    It is strongly recommended that you consume your cannabis products such as edibles away from kids and out of their sight. This will greatly reduce the chance of it getting into their hands.

    Keep it Locked Up
    The best way to store cannabis in your home is the same way you would stow away medication or toxic chemicals, in its original child-safe tamper-proof packaging. Store all cannabis products in child-resistant packaging and in a lockable container, out of sight or in a place kids cannot access. There are many safe locks on the market that children will not be able to access.

    Open the Dialogue
    This may seem like a very simple option, but it can also be the most effective. Having an open dialogue about cannabis products and specifically edibles can go a long way with your kids. Make sure they feel comfortable asking questions and understand why these products are for adults only. Suddenly when things are off-limits, they become more appealing, and by having the conversation and breaking the stigma, we can help combat this desire.

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