Cannabis and international Travel

    Although cannabis is legal in Canada there are some special precautions to take when travelling.

    Entering Canada

    It is still illegal to transport cannabis and products containing cannabis.

    • No matter how much cannabis you have with you
    • Even if you are authorized to use cannabis for medical purposes in any form, including cannabidiol (CBD)
    • Even if you are travelling to or from a municipality, state or country where cannabis has been legalized or decriminalized

    If you are entering Canada and have cannabis with you in any form, you must declare it to the Canada Border Services Agency.

    Leaving Canada

    It is illegal to take cannabis across the Canadian border, whether you are entering or leaving the country. This applies to all countries, whether cannabis is legal there or not.

    Cannabis is illegal in most countries. If you try to travel internationally with any amount of cannabis in your possession, you could face serious criminal penalties both at home and abroad.

    Travellers to the United States

    Although the possession of cannabis is legal in some U.S. states, it remains illegal under U.S. federal laws. Do not attempt to cross the Canada-U.S. border with any amount of cannabis in any form, even if you are travelling to a U.S. state that has legalized possession of cannabis.

    Source: Government of Canada

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