Today’s #MunchieMonday recipe is North of 7 Versus Love Potion!  ‘Juana Be My Valentine?


    ♥️ 1/4 cup of fresh raspberries
    ♥️ 1.5 Tsp of granulated sugar
    ♥️ 1/2 TBS of lemon juice
    ♥️ 1/2 pint of raspberry sherbet
    ♥️ 2 Cans of Versus Black Cherry Rapid Seltzer


    Combine raspberries, sugar, and lemon in a bowl.
    Mix with a fork until it becomes a puree.
    Place a generous portion of the puree at the bottom of 2 tall glasses.
    Top with a scoop of the sherbet, then fill both glasses to the brim with Versus Black Cherry Rapid Seltzer.

    Garnish with fresh raspberries if you so desire.


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